Black Hippy Chick

This is a blog partially about my life, partially about my philosophy, and partially about whatever I can throw in. Just don't take it too seriously. I am an evolving individual with evolving thoughts and ideals. You will see contradictions here becuase I believe in honesty and objectivity.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Houston NASA VIctims of Psyops Black Operations

With the emergence of the Astronaut triangle that has just come to light and has ended with a charge of attempted murder. I can't help but notice that their are a lot of strange events coming out of NASA Houston (ie. Andrea Yaeger who murdered her five children had a husband that worked at NASA Houston) and I am inclined to believe that individuals who work here might be victims of PsyOps by the government. In later posts I will try to explore the topic of PsyOps with links.


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