Black Hippy Chick

This is a blog partially about my life, partially about my philosophy, and partially about whatever I can throw in. Just don't take it too seriously. I am an evolving individual with evolving thoughts and ideals. You will see contradictions here becuase I believe in honesty and objectivity.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Hillary Clinton Campaign

While volunteering on the Obama campaign I would still watch the Clinton website and I have to say that I did participate in just the interactive activities that they had such as writing to the Rutgers Basketball team, choosing a campaign song and other activities. Well I suppose this participation is what would eventually cause me to receive an invitation to a Clinton volunteer orientation session. Since I was not working on behalf of anyone at the time I decided to attend. When I arrived at the orientation I was appreciative of the fact that everything was extremely well organized. Noone had to wonder what was going on and "everyone" was friendly. I was reading a book at the time Joel Olsteens first book. The most shocking thing about this was that about 75% of the people I spoke to were on his second book. These were really nice people. As a potential volunteer I felt appreciated and was appreciative to receive a free button bumper sticker from the campaign for coming. I attended several meetings and what impressed me the most was that the campaign treated everyone the same. There was no special treatment of anyone and you did not have to be a VIP to be treated like a human being. While the Obama campaign touts their treatment for college students, they really don't know how to treat children. I took my son to an Obama pre-rally and I attempted to get my child one slice of Pizza and my self one slice and the volunteer started to scream at me not to take all of the pizza. It hurt me that my son had to go through this. My child has a very negative opinion of the Barack Obama campaign at this point. In contradiction I took my daughter to a Clinton event and everybody treated her so kindly that she put Hillary Clinton posters up all over the house. My daughter loves Hillary Clinton because of how Clinton supporters treated her. Trhough the campaign only the brief events she has met people from all walks of life from literal brain surgeons to waiters and waitresses and they were all kind to her. In addition Clinton is an excellent role model for my child and I don't have to justify why it's not OK to engage in negative behavior and then clean your life up. Clinton has always been clean in terms of leading a moral life and that's important to me.

I have to say that Clinton supporters handled moments better than Obama supporters. I remember attending a volunteer orientation for Barack Obama and being shocked as the audience laughed at an openly gay man answer a question, in my life I had never been in such a crowd of obviously homophobic adults. One gentleman even told him to tone his gayness down. In the Clinton audience there was an obvious gay man that asked a question and there were no laughs. While the behaviour of the audience has no bearing on the candidate it does indicate the type of people who support a candidate.

In any event I started out deciding to be deeply involved in the Clinton campaign but changed my mind because I was burnt out. At this point I have only casted a vote for Hillary Clinton by early voting. Finally not edited for content and grammar!


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