Black Hippy Chick

This is a blog partially about my life, partially about my philosophy, and partially about whatever I can throw in. Just don't take it too seriously. I am an evolving individual with evolving thoughts and ideals. You will see contradictions here becuase I believe in honesty and objectivity.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Recording Industry of America Announces Law Suits against Students

The recording Industry of America has launched a new round of law suits against students and their IP addresses. They have identified the schools via IP address, but they are asking the schools for the names of the students who participated in downloading music in twenty seconds, and downloading movies in minutes, I am assuming that they are going to ask the schools for the passwords that were entered to download this information, or honestly I don't know I'm not that technologically literate.

The list of schools is a stellar list of the technology elite. Personally I can't understand why this Association would want to offend this group of individuals instead of enlisting and hiring them to figure out a way to prevent these things from happening. I hope they don't start making their own movies and recording their own songs and never ever even purchase the products the the RIAA of America is taking the students to court from. I think they are going after the wrong individuals. Honestly the last time I heard of something being cracked, the cracker creator was from china. HA HA. and had spread it all over the world all the way to Georgia....... anyway.

The second issue that is hard to understand is that these are college students and there is a word called collegiality. Which when I went to my over four colleges for a BA meant that everybody shared everything passwords, computers, even disks with your precious term paper on it, [ I was the one who shared the disc and the person who lost it, was a classmate, my disc housed research sources, and a very long term paper on public policy, when the disc was lost I found all the balled up pages of my paper that the professor told me to correct, ironed it and turned it in, I would have had an A, but ended up with a B, the professor never gave me an A again, the point is, was I mad with my classmate?, not really for some reason I did not care] The point is that unless those students have the material actively on their computers, or even still have the computer, it will be hard to identify how the students gained acess to the information.

I'm sure students still lend out passwords, laptops, discs, clothing whatever. Personally, I think a lawsuit against students is going to be very hard to prove especially at residential colleges. Even leaving your computer out, opened and pasworded up can result in an intruder napping a twenty-second song.

Finally, why does the RIAA keep going after students? They want easy prey. Smart schools will not release the names of these individuals under the guise of some sort of academic protection law, and will say, honestly in a collegiate enviornment it is hard to identify who's who. Personally any former college or law student must buy the argument that it's hard to identify who's using what, who's doing what, and when they are doing it on a college campus. Knowing a password does not guarantee that the password belongs to that person, nor a computer with an IP address. [I lose things, like library books and I know I must have lost privelages and I have asked others for their passwords, even strangers and they have given it to me, I have used all of my rights to copying and have been given passwords by fellow students, so i could copy some more, I can not think of one thing that I asked a fellow student on campus for that they denied me. ] Point being, this is a who did/done it. I just hope to God that they don't still have those movies sitting on their laptops and if this gets to serious I hope to GOD that they lost their laptops in the San Francisco Bay.


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