Black Hippy Chick

This is a blog partially about my life, partially about my philosophy, and partially about whatever I can throw in. Just don't take it too seriously. I am an evolving individual with evolving thoughts and ideals. You will see contradictions here becuase I believe in honesty and objectivity.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Google Listing for Webgrrls Passion Parties Message Board that I had to remove from Webgrrls Atlanta Website

If webgrrls had a board or a board member for the years prior to my becoming chapter leader of webgrrls they were obviously not too effective. The website had not been updated for three years, however there was a very active message board on the site which had just been posted on extensively the month that I became chapter leader for Webgrrls Atlanta. Sarcastically I have to say this was obviously very professional to have sex party postings on a site that was suppossed to represent technology networking and empowerment oppurtunitites for women, I don't know what type of lessons those parties were supposeed to teach to the attendees, as one of the missions of webgrrls is to teach and to learn. I would also like to add this message board was very persistent even after I had removed it from the site it continued to show up in the rankings when I put webgrrls atlanta into the search engine, the search engine was still linking to a message board outside of the webgrrls atlanta site. Finally I had to write the company that hosted the message board and ask them to take the message board down. Marjorie Singley Hall stated that her friend was the board member for webgrrls I suppose this is what the two of them were advocating for in a professional womens organization. It ranked on the first page, which out of thousands of listings indicates that the site was heavily visited. I have no idea what they were selling, maybe something to out of town visitors or what they were teaching that related to technology and the workplace.


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