Black Hippy Chick

This is a blog partially about my life, partially about my philosophy, and partially about whatever I can throw in. Just don't take it too seriously. I am an evolving individual with evolving thoughts and ideals. You will see contradictions here becuase I believe in honesty and objectivity.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Elliot Spitzer You Big Dummy

When I first heard about the story of Elliot Spitzer, I was prepared to say it's not so bad and some other positive things that For me sheds light on this case, but the facts of this case just reveal to me that Elliot Spitzer is one super big dummy and here is the major reason why. The last prostitution story that rocked this country was the tale of the D.C. Madam. The most significant facts about this case that were so fascinating was that everyone had something to lose if the tranaction were revealed. It was rumoured that some of the call girls in the D.C. madams stable were college students and some professional women, this ring had gone on for som long that some of the girls who worked for this service were now profesors, attorneys, and newscasters to name a few of the careers graduates of this prostitution ring had gone on to pursue. When the ring failed and the madame was fingered hardly anyone was revealed. Contrast this to Sir Elliot, he went to Jersey to a broken down building and called some opver priced prostitutes who probably were promoted from the streets. The biggest disappointment for me was not that Spitzer was seeing prostitutes but it was the type of prostitutes he was seeing. I expected a little more lushness and beauty even out of the building he was working out of. Then again maybe he did not want a college student but a bonafide, all my life until I*'m broken down prostitute. Elliott you big Dummy!


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