Black Hippy Chick

This is a blog partially about my life, partially about my philosophy, and partially about whatever I can throw in. Just don't take it too seriously. I am an evolving individual with evolving thoughts and ideals. You will see contradictions here becuase I believe in honesty and objectivity.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Say Wha? Brangelina Wed? - - Entertainment News, Celebrity Gossip and Hollywood Rumors

Say Wha? Brangelina Wed? - - Entertainment News, Celebrity Gossip and Hollywood Rumors

The joke is definitely on me. I thought they were already on me. I did not know that they were waiting to get married, why are they waiting to get married? Well they are waiting to get married until same sex marraige is legal for everyone in the UNited States. Golly Gee!!! While she's waiting for that, maybe she should stop having babies until same sex folks can impregnate each other. Then again I think it's because honestly marriage does not mean anything to Brad or Angie, they are united by the air or now they are united by babies. Honestly, I think Angelina's solution to not having a piece of paper is to have biological babies and guilt Brad into staying. I saw an interview with Brad Pitt several months ago and the theme was I'm not leaving the kids. He seemed very brainwashed and I'm not saying to be mean, he seemed to barely know where or who he was. However he has seemed to regain reality at the interviews that I've seen that revolved around Katrina.


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