Black Hippy Chick

This is a blog partially about my life, partially about my philosophy, and partially about whatever I can throw in. Just don't take it too seriously. I am an evolving individual with evolving thoughts and ideals. You will see contradictions here becuase I believe in honesty and objectivity.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Levy Broke After the Storm

For several days I was confused regarding what happened in New Orleans regarding the hurricane The news said initially the hurricane did not hit New Orleans and then later on in the day or the next day I saw these horrible pictures of New Orleans and it was my assumption that the news had not covered the terrible condition of the hurricane because of their concern for the residents of New Orleans.  However the head of FEMA clarified it today.  He said that Katrina did miss New Orleans in terms of Major catastrophe but it weakened the levy.  The cause of all of this tragedy is the breaking of the levy.  A levy that could have been fortified to resist a category five hurricane.  Officials from New Orleans are stating that they asked the federal government for help in fortifying the levy and surrounding structures for funding several times and were denied.  A major scientific journal as well as the major newspaper in New Orleans reported on what would happen if the levy broke in 2001, they had created computer models predicting the disaster that happened this week.  Unfortunately their warnings were not heeded.  One of the authors of one of the studies stated today that if New Orleans were to continue to be a city and if they were even going to repair one window, they should commit to the multi hundreds of billion dollars necessary to making New Orleans safe for inhabitants.  As a citizen of the United States I believe that New Orleans is one historical landmark that I always want to know exists in the United States.  I think that New Orleans has given much to the character of the United States and the world in terms of architecture and engineering{for hundred of years they have existed at sea level and fought away a river and a lake, that amazing]  music, food, and individuals.   I learned today that a former Atlanta Mayor is From New Orleans, Andrew Young he is behind the saying Atlanta is a city to busy to hate, what a wonderful attitude that his home town of New Orleans gave to him and extended to us.    I look forward to seeing New Orleans recover.  


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