The country of Israel could not have used their weapons any more violently and destructively even if it was (and is) a member of a despotic government of bandits. The useless destruction and murdering of individuals is disgusting and uncalled for. The thing that surprises me is that through dual citizenship, people who are citizens of the United States and Israel, I could be actually funding the carnage in the Middle East. At this point in my life I've said no and one of my children who visits an extremely qualified Jewish professional will not be visiting him anymore and I am not sure if he supports the Israeli Army, but one of the reasons I specifically chose him was because he was Jewish and I thought there was an affinity with the struggles of African Americans due to the many obstacles that Jewish people have overcome however I will no longer be visitng this professional.
Furthermore I will no longer be frequenting Home Depot because I know that the founder Bernie Marcus, not just funds the Israeli Army but advises it as well. The very thought that a man who sells home improvement products in the United States also is participating in the carnage and destruction in Lebanon is revolting. The very thought that a citizen of the United States is creating so much fear in citizens of the Lebanon that they are afraid to walk the streets is fearful.
Citizens of Lebanon have the following feelings as reported in the article
Israel Orders Vehicles Off Lebanon Roads in the
Washington Post:
"Our workers wherever they go are telling people don't go out at all _ day or night because Israel said day or night they will attack," said Dr. Ahmed Zirkot, one of only six members of the 21-member municipal board still in Tyre.
According to
The Jewish Virtual Library, the founder of Home Depot, Bernie Marcus:
"believes in looking first toward family needs, which means he believes passionately in Jewish causes. Bernie sees the survival of the Jewish people and the survival of his beloved Israel as paramount. His involvement in Israel led him 11 years ago to found the IDI, the Israel Democracy Institute. The IDI accumulates information on legislation passed in other countries and advises the Israeli government whether or not to implement it. Israeli leaders now have access to data about laws and programs that have succeeded and failed in every democracy in the world"
The article goes on to say that Marcus:
"Marcus's passion motivated the involvement of George Shultz, the former Secretary of State of the United States, to become involved. Together they have created the sole consulting think tank for the Israeli army."
Finally if one wonders why some media outlets equate the kidnapping of two soldiers as equivalent to the mass murder of hundreds of individuals and the layering to the ground of the infrastructure of a country. One might have to thank Bernie Marcus and the former owner of Aetna for this. According to a 2001
article :
" A group of American business and political leaders are building a pro-Israel media "war room" in Washington, D.C. The group will be called "Emet"-which in Hebrew means "truth."
Emet will try to address biased media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and also make the case that the conflict, while serious and important, pales in comparison to the larger geo-strategic threat posed to the United States and the West by Iran and Iraq, both of whom are trying to build and/or acquire weapons of mass destruction.
Funding Emet is Leonard Abramson; he sold U.S. Healthcare to Aetna in the mid-1990s for $8.9 billion. Abramson has recruited a powerful board of directors, including Bernie Marcus, founder of Home Depot; Les Wexner, founder of The Limited; Edgar Bronfman Sr., who once owned Seagram's; and Lou Ranieri, a major Wall Street player who now co-owns one of Israel's largest banks. Also joining the board are Jeane Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, and Jack Kemp. "
Are we to believe that we are in Iraq becuase of an argument made by a lobbying organization. Are we to seriously believe that our foreign policy agenda is being set by another country. Finally is this the reason that Lebanon has been destroyed because of another countries lobby.