Black Hippy Chick

This is a blog partially about my life, partially about my philosophy, and partially about whatever I can throw in. Just don't take it too seriously. I am an evolving individual with evolving thoughts and ideals. You will see contradictions here becuase I believe in honesty and objectivity.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Memo To Michelle Obama: Toughen Up Sweetie Chron.commons | - Houston Chronicle

Chron.commons - Houston Chronicle

The above link is an opinion article that discusses Obama's defense of his wife Michelle on GMA regarding the Republican ads repeating Michelle's words that she was not proud of her country. Coming from Texas it is truly a memo. Chicago plays tough but when Texas plays tough the whole world hears about it. The Obama's really need to toughen up a lot, the language Obama used in the interview was very much dictator like, ie. "I will not tolerate" could have literally been the words "off with their heads" "to the dungeons" they insulted my wife. Obama may speak to people within his campaign like this, but the last time I checked powerful people did not have the power to send an FBI detail on folks, call the police on them, sic the NSA on them, or do various actions that presidents have the power to do because they felt insulted by a commercial or the press. If he does this he will only be mimicking the corrupt regimes that aleady exist on a continent where the majority of heads of state are black.

If he does this I want every caucasion person to know that this man is not a descendant of a slave, he does not carry the same pain and the same blood as the majority of blacks of the diaspora meaning blacks that were brought here as slaves. Furthermore the majority of these diaspora blacks be they living in the United States, Jamaica, Haiti, Brazil or other places where slavery was once legal can not be blamed if Obama starts to show tyranical behvior once he becomes President. It is sad to say but Obama could return to Kenya now and be the President there if he so chose. None of us African hybrids of the Americans have a country to return to that we can be president of, this is our country and we have voluntarily give up our birthright to a native African. So don't blame us if you feel a little likc you're in a Puppet regime if and when Obama is elected. It's in his blood.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Iran Has Come A Long Way Baby

Press TV

After considering the blog I wrote several days ago concerning U.S. policy towards the Middle East and linking to a New York Times article that stated the Saudis blamed the Iranians for pre 911 terrorist attacks on the U.S. I really had to reconsider how Innocent the Saudi Arabians are in terms of terrorist attacks and how guilty the Iranians are. Personally it's pretty strange that practically every terrorist attack all around the world involves a Saudi citizen, whereas almost none of these attacks involve Iranian citizens. The lesson for me is that the Saudis most be teaching a systematic hate of the United States where evidently the Iranians are not giving the United States a thought and are busy trying to contribute to the International Economy. I am not Middle East Scholar so I may have to read a lot more to understand the issue, but at first glance the problem appears to be the Saudi's maybe the United States needs to slow down a lot on Saudi Arms sales and consider talking to the Iranians more for it seems like their priorities and their culture in terms of getting ahead and what's important might be a lot more compatible than what the Saudi society espouses. I do know that the Iranians have a more liberal policy towards the rights of women than the Saudis. Furthermore as evidenced by this American language news site linked to above from Iran, gone are the days when Iran will declare Jihad against someone who insults their culture and society. In addition their Prime Minister has gone over and above the call of duty to initiate peace between the U.S. If I were an American diplomat, before I ever held hands with another Saudi Prince I would definitely try to make peace with Iran. Then again maybe I just don't know the whole story, but Iran is obviously not a society where people are obsessed with getting their thirteen virgins in heaven which makes me think that if they were to get the Nuclear bomb, they would play the nuclear arms game like everyone else.

"The Origianal Source for the Michelle Obama Ticking "whitey" Timebomb

Obama Freakout Over Michelle Video: The Ticking “Whitey” Time Bomb : NO QUARTER#comment-258239

Larry is absolutely positively positive that the ticking whitey time bomb video exists. He offers proof that he thinks that the video exists because Barack Obama goes so far as to call people "low class" for releasing videos of Michelle Obama. However Michelle is relevant we can't have her plotting with Bin Laden's many wives on how to blow up whitey now can we.

In any event I have heard Barack Obama say personally that he like to appeal to casual voters that may not vote or usually do not vote. Statistically, the people who hardly ever vote are by social scientists considered the low class or the underclass and are not in the position to spread a video around the Internet. These are just the facts. Because of this I have to ask since a large part of people who are considered statistically low class are his constituents, What's wrong with being low class, and does he have a plan to eliminate the low and the underclass once he gets in office since they are obviously never far from his mind whether he's referring to the rural classes or the poor. What is this guy Marx or something. He show's an incredible class consciousness that is totally unamerican.

I am quite surprised that the media has not mentioned the "low class comment" but this shows their deep seated bias against honest and fair journalism.

Star Jones smacks down Barbara Walters for 'fessing up to her affair! : The Dish Rag : Los Angeles Times

Star Jones smacks down Barbara Walters for 'fessing up to her affair! : The Dish Rag : Los Angeles Times

Star Jones comments regarding Barbara Walters are absolutely hilarious. After the political sex scandals we have had this year and all of the politicians minimized the female party in the affair I am surprised Barbara Walters did not at least wait a year to let this book out of the closet.

4 Iranian Embassy workers hurt in Baghdad shooting - Los Angeles Times

Saturday, May 17, 2008

In June 2001 prior to 911, The New York Times wrote that acts of appeasement by Bill Clinton did nothing to save United States Citizens "all quotes"

Terrorism and Iran: Washington's Policy Performs a Gingerly Balancing Act - New York Times

The following except the headlines are all quotes from the June 2001 New York Times article except the bold and italicised emphasis text.

"The Clinton administration was widely criticized for its failure to pursue evidence that Iran was behind the bombing, but now, the Bush administration has shown that same reluctance. Prosecutors did not cite Iranian officials by name despite what some officials said was the hope of Louis J. Freeh, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, that Iranian officials would be charged. Mr. Freeh, who had taken a personal interest in the case, said on Thursday that it would remain open, and Mr. Ashcroft made it clear that the United States would be willing to pursue charges against Iranian officials if more evidence emerged. "

"The Bush administration did at least acknowledge the problem, and charge someone"

"Attorney General John Ashcroft charged that Iranian officials ''inspired, supported and supervised members of Saudi Hezbollah'' in the attack. But prosecutors stopped short of bringing charges against any individual Iranian officials. "

''We chose law enforcement retaliation versus military retaliation,'' the former Clinton administration official said. The Khobar investigation, however, bogged down in turf battles between the F.B.I. and the Saudis. The bureau complained of a lack of cooperation from the Saudi authorities, while the Saudis privately began to complain that the Clinton administration did not seem interested in hearing about evidence that Iran was behind the attack. "

Appeasement did not work during the Clinton Administration

By 1999, the evidence linking Iran to the bombing was strong enough so that President Clinton sent a secret letter to Iran's president, Mohammad Khatami, asking for help in solving the Khobar case. The letter was sent after the United States obtained convincing information that Iranian officials were behind the attack. The letter came in the midst of Mr. Clinton's broader efforts to reach out to Mr. Khatami and engage the reformist forces in Iran.
But the Iranians refused to help on the case. Mr. Freeh reportedly concluded that the Clinton administration was not serious about solving the case, and he is said to have waited until Mr. Clinton left office in order to try to bring charges in the matter. The indictment came in Mr. Freeh's last week in office as F.B.I. director.

Friday, May 16, 2008

This is a link to a blg that says there is a video of Michelle "Hating on Whitey"

Michelle Obama hating on “Whitey” «

The video of Michelle Obama discussed by the blogger above may be video purchased from the "church" it contains video of Michelle Obama saying negative things about white people. Personally as I think about it this does not end the election, black people do have a case for being "bitter", however these black people usually go through this stage when they are in their Freshman year of college and get out of it by their Senior Year. I would like to add that the more I talk to other black women and hear what they have to say they share common experiences. I being who I am always took my experiences personally and thought they were a reflection of people's perceptions of me. I never dreamed that other black women were experiencing the same treatment as I. I don't think this is a deal breaker if properly explained, there would have to be a press conference for this one if true. However, Barack Obama can't turn around and address an elite San Francisco audience and call rural people bitter and he has an obviously bitter one in his household. If this is true Barack Obama might want to try to salvage something and be Vice-President, then again maybe not. According to this blogger it is a Clinton supporter releasing this information held by the GOP. However, accordingly if the democratic party continues to deliver as they have this week, they may not care that Barack Obama's spouse has a race problem.

Obama Takes Credit for Famr Bill but he was absent from the vote

Defying President Bush, Senate Passes Farm Bill - New York Times

I could have sworn that Obama mentioned the farm bill as shall I say one of the accomplishments that he supported. The status of Barack Obama during the vote was absent according to this New York Times article.

The Dems will manage to lose this election Secret Tape of Michelle Obama using racist remarks! "Double Standards"

Michelle Obama Rumor « Nah, Nope, Not Quite

If a white person had all of this racial stuff chasing them they would have dropped out of the race by now. However apparently the liberal media believes in a double standard.

Rumours are hot that their is a tape with Michelle Obama railing against "whitey". Obama drop out! Your senatorial opponent dropped out with scandal but obviously you won't!

Did Obama hear his Name mentioned by Bush? There is a name for people who are too oversensitive and have to be Molly Coddled.

Obama to speak out on Bush 'appeasement' charge - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -


You know there was a name that I found particularly offensive when I was a youngster and luckily it was never applied to me but my mother who is a teacher told me that it was a short term name used to describe special education students at the time. I suppose some child overheard this term being used and decided to bring it to the table of insults that children participate in. At this moment I am teaching myself a new skill for my business and apparently awaiting another news conference because Barack Obama and his cult of followers have perceived that he has been called a NAME by the Texas Talking president of the United States who I might add no one can ever forget how the fellow Texan Ann Richards murmured the words that Bush Senior walks around with the proverbial foot in his mouth. This was at a democratic convention and I think elder bush was a sitting President at the time. Fortunately for us Elder Bush did not think it needed a news conference. In addition has anyone ever seen the cartoon Little Bush, well fortunately their is not a news conference after every statement, or even episode of Lil Bush. "THANK GOD"

Finally, if the statement was referring to anyone it was probably President Carter who had met with Hammas, with according to President Bush Jr. no luck. As for Obama is he a SPED or something. I have never seen such coddling in my life? Has he never been insulted before? The one thing I can say about the Republican Debate, it was funny. The one think I can say about the Republican race was it was a high stakes game with winner take all, there was no moddle coddling here. You won or you lost. Evidently Barack Obama is not used to these types of competitions, he's crying already. However even he is taking it to far to start crying over something where h is name was not even mentioned directly. What is he a punk or something, or even worst a SPED. I guess not, I guess he's not a sped otherwise his momma Michelle Obama would be giving him the news conference then again she probably will write the speech and carRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL tell him what to say. However, she just could not hide the fact that she's making the decision for Vice Presidential running mate. LITTLE MOMMA take care of the BOY !

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Edwards: Are you Sure That was an Endorsement or a Rememinder of What Obama Isn't

What the media partrays and shows as a sound bite of Edwards saying one good thing about Obama is about Edwards saying one good thing about Obama; otherwise it was a Hillary fan speech, combined with an Edwards stump speech that ended up splashing a very cold bucket of water on the attendees of the Obama rally as it became pretty obvious that most people in the audience knew where Obama really stood as it related to Universal health care and the economically disadvantaged.

Edwards is not a fan of Obama, Edwards believes from the bottom of his heart to the tips of his toes that Obama is a Republican. Not a values voting Republican but a Greedy big money oil speculating republican. I suppose in my view I would have to add personally Obama would have to combine the worst of both the republicans and the democrats. The Republican greed and the democratic lust for baby blood in the form of abortions even up to the end of the birth cycle. This is what I got from the speech Edwards gave. In translation Edwards was saying we have to rally around this nominee now if we ever hope to have a democratic president. Democrats can not continue to knock each other out with a two by four leading to nothing. Edwards was saying that any democrat is better than no democrat.

However I really don't believe that any democrat is better than no democrat. In terms of Obama's concern for the poor his ties with the slum lord Tony Rezco where poor families went without heat in a brutal Chicago Winter without any assistance from Barack Obama even free heaters for the poor indicate that the poor could not do any worst than Obama, Obama's refusal to support a gas tax holiday for what would most benefit the poor, lower gas prices; a quarter discount could make the difference between getting to work and not in terms of miles per gallon; and most of all Obama's refusal to support Universal Health care for everyone adults and children indicate to us all that Obama can never meet the concern standards for the poor that Clinton and Edwards have espoused throughout the whole campaign. It has become obvious that McCain meets the compassionate threshhold moreso that Obama. It is becoming pretty obvious that an Obama presidency maybe more harmful to the poor than a Bush presidency has become. In any event I seriously question around rallying around a candidate that has shown over and over that he has no concern for the poor. I think a compassionate Republican could probably be more beneficial to the poor than an uncaring democrat.

Personally as it relates to the recent incidents with the poor, particularly Hurricane Katrina I do not dump the responsibility solely on the shoulders of FEMA but believe that Ray Nagin should get at least 60% of the blame for canceling the bus routes to get the people out of the flood zone, and not doing enough to get them out of the area. Nagin was warned and did not do enough to try to salvage the lives of the citizens of his city. Blood rests on his hands. I say all of this to say that Blacks want a black president but this does not mean that he is the best qualified or that he will particularly look out for their interests. The blacks of California have learned this through the school of hard knocks and I learned that at one point a largely black WATTS had elected a white mayor. African Americans really need to think seriously about who they support and if the individuals they elect are thoughtful enough, smart enough, and compassionate enough to fully and truly represent African Americans, Blue Collar Americans, Poor Hispanics, and Poor Whites. In Obama's case I think not. As for the media, if their sponsors advertise something you can't afford such as LV bags, Jaguar cars, and other luxury goods, The poor need to seriously consider if the news is representing their interests. You can afford Tide, You can not afford a fancy airplane ride to Singapare if you are working at Mc Donalds however you may be able to afford cable to listen to this brand of news. Critically think and realize that certain media outlets can not possibly represent the interests of the poor and the economically challenged. "WAKE UP"

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

US victims of terrorist attacks in Israel sue Swiss bank UBS -

US victims of terrorist attacks in Israel sue Swiss bank UBS -

This is an interesting idea. If this holds I suppose the U.S. can be sued for training Bin Laden. The campanies that lend to the Saudis can also be sued becuase they held terrorist telethons to fund terrorists prior to 911. I don't think the U.S. has a Iran problem. They have a Middle East problem. I hope the next president can face this fact instead of just ignoriing the truth.

Free Telescope and it's a very good one

Microsoft's Telescope for Everyone

How Can you get your free Telelscope?

Quote from the article states the following

"First, you go to, download the application, and install it on your computer for free. (Be forewarned, it works only with Microsoft's Windows operating system.) The download is connected to the Internet, so that when you look up information online, a little window pops up. The service also automatically updates when new photos are taken by the telescopes. "

Follow Up: Court hears More Vaccine Cases

Saturday, May 10, 2008

HIllary It's Time to Woman Up and Prepare to Leave the Race

I have tried to stand by Hillary Clinton through thick and through thin because I believe/possibly believed that she is a goad woman and a qualified candidate. I am completely objective so most of the time class, racial, economic issues do not have a bearing on my judgement of character, I once took a career aptitude test long ago that said my personality was so objective that a suggested career path for me was a judge. With all of that said, I am going to say the following I do not believe that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race because she trails Obama, this is something that could have been dealt with with a good old fight to seat Florida and Michigan delegates as well as an appal to the Superdelegates that she had a level head and was more qualified to lead us through these extremely tough times we live in. However lately with every word that comes out of her mouth it's apparent to me that she does not possess the sound judgement to lead this country.

A President is supposed to want to represent ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME

I first got a strong whiff of shall I say racism when Former President Clinton said something to the effect of so what if Barack Obama won South Carolina, Jesse Jackson did too. I was appalled when I heard this because I immediately recognized Clinton was saying that a black man could not win. I however remembered that the Clinton's had solved the National debt and put some good programs on the table that helped everyone and continued to support Hillary Clinton, also because of the abortion issue with Barack Obama. Bill Clinton said another thing that struck me as strange that "Barack Obama was living in a Fairy Tale" At the time I thought that people were over reacting and "living in a fairy tale" was referencing the extremely white glove treatment the media was giving Barack Obama; however as the race has gone on and I have heard Senators Clinton's repetitive reference to the fact that she represents Blue Collar and White Americans, I am beginning to believe that the Fairy Tale Comment was alluding to Obama's race and for the record I want to respond by saying that any black person who meets the criteria for running for President, by being over 35, of sound mind, and not a felon, is not living in a Fairy Tale for Thinking they could win the Presidency. Finally, the next oddity regarding the Clinton's was the trotting out of Geraldine Ferraro who said if Obama were a white man he would not have gotten that far in the election, and I have echoed the same in this blog but the caveat is if Hillary were a white man with her credentials she would have not have gotten this far, as a matter of fact if she had been a white man she probably would have been laughed out of running for any political office as a sissy running in the coat tails of his wife. In addition as I read about Geraldine Ferraro I learned that she had deep sixed Jesse Jackson's run for the vice presidency in 1984 or 1988 at the convention therefore resulting in a failing team of Mondale and Ferraro. I think Ferraro succeeded in deadening the ticket immediately as it was revealed that she was a former substance abuser.

A Badly Run Campaign

Hillary Clinton literally had the keys to the White House in her hand. She and Bill Clinton had left the white house and by the time they left the National Debt was eradicated, the economy was good, they had created jobs, and kept gas prices and food prices low. Bill Clinton had been a strong and a good leader and by the end of his terms left office as the Black Person's best friend. It was very disappointing to realize during Hillary Clinton's run for office that accentuating the positive would not be the strategy that would be used. I have written to the campaign and I said all you have to do is keep reciting the positive aspects of the Clinton years and you will win. All you have to do is state that you will continue most of the positive strategies that were used in the Clinton administration and you will win. Hillary Clinton and Gore obviously don't think there were any or did not remember the good times of Clinton years and chose the dangerous path of trying to reinvent the wheel. I think failure to know how to Follow Bill Clinton has resulted in this dismal losing campaign. The Hillary Clinton presidential campaign is beginning to look a lot like H. Clinton's first stab at a Universal Health Care plan it should have gone through and if you would have had to bet on it going through you would have placed your bet on Hillary and you would have lost, the Health Care Plan, did not go through, however the big caveat is that Laura Bush's education plan did go through and make no mistake it was Laura's plan and desire for this bill to go through. The tenets come straight from the observers point of view 1. I see really intelligent children who are just not being taught, they are being left behind. 2. I wish these children could go to quality schools like more affluent children maybe this may make the difference. etc. etc. etc. This is why the education bill was put through on day one of the Bush administration because Mrs. Bush wanted it to be put though and was willing to make it a presidential issue not a first lady issue. I say all of this to say to Hillary Clinton that sometimes you have to sit back and let others do the work for you. They will get the job done. However, Bill was not the man to run her campaign as evident in his racist comments, Bill's Campign manager James Carville is wise enough and aware enough to have given Hillary what she wanted the Presidency but she chose to blaze her own path when everyone knows that the quickest was to success is through imitation. Finally, the time are different and when I saw Benazhir Bhutto's assasination I sort of knew that Hillary Clinton would not win because these are different times and what worked yesterday does not work today. Benazhir erred by sticking her head out of the van, she erred in her arrogance that she could control the situation. In the society we live in no one person can conrol everything, you have to let go, in the words of Hillary Clinton "It takes a Village" , Barack Obama has a Village

In Closing

Hillary Clinton I honestly do believe that ii is time for you to say goodbye and let Obama do the work he has to, to try and win, I personally I am holding out for McCain Rice but any superdelegate worth their salt and their elective position does not want to see you win through superdelegate votes because what this means is that they have to go back to their hometown and have people look at them as the person who may have voted for the woman who claims to be the voice of the working class and the white folks, when frankly that has always been the cry of the republicans. However democrats since the late 60's have been the voice of minorities, the liberals, the poor, the working class, the technologists, and others. Hillary your message just is not getting through, and I seriously doubt that Super Delegates are going to risk committing political suicide by voting for you. HILLARY IT"S TIME TO GET OUT OF THE RACE STOP MAKING BILLS FOR YOU AND BILL GET OUT, AT THIS POINT YOUR RUN HAS BECOME A RICH LADY'S WHIM!